Saturday, August 20, 2011

and semester 7 has begun...

like a smooth-sailing ship on peaceful waters.
no tsunami please!
cos i'll be studying that for ES8001 Natural Hazards & Society.
hi Mr Geography, long time no see.
let's be friends again after like...10 years?

and i have to say...ASIAN FILMS ARE FASCINATING.
which is why i can't decide between CS8200 Asian Horror Film and FIL230 Asian Film History.
no matter which one i choose, i'm gonna have late dinner and reach home at 10+.
which i totally dun mind.

how i wish i can change my remaining MPEs into UEs.
for those scratching your heads:
MPE = Major Prescribed Electives (only from 中文系)
UE = Unrestricted Electives (anything in the whole wide world)

it's like...letting me choose only 1 piece of chocolate from a chocolate factory.
and choose the rest from a basket of vegetables.

Wednesday, August 3, 2011


okie August is finally here!
all pumped up for the new semester!

i guess all the convo pics on facebook serves as a great motivation...and reminder.
motivation: that will be me in one year's time.
reminder: can't afford to fall below 4.00.

i wanna graduate with a big fat smile on my face.
ermmm okie forget about fat.
big smile will do =D


1) look forward to school every day and enjoy the learning process instead of fixating on grades (since i have the right to choose the courses i'm interested in).

2) give myself a break on Mondays and Fridays by doing school roadshows (and earning extra pocket money heehee).

3) work on my FYP consistently so that there won't be a mad rush for deadlines (although i doubt my prof will even care to set any deadlines).

4) only blog about happy stuff.