Tuesday, April 1, 2014


first post of 2014 must start with a BANG. ok wait for it... BANG. today is April Fools Day. but the following announcement is not a joke. I AM OFFICIALLY...A GYM MEMBER WITH FITNESS FIRST. yes first step towards my 2014 new year resolution: lose weight, exercise more. sounds like the most difficult to achieve (as compared to "read more" and "travel more"). BUT I'M GONNA MAKE IT HAPPEN. although i told everyone i don't intend to live until a ripe old age. and i most probably would die from some disease caused by unhealthy diet. but i realised it's not really about the future. because my body age is 7 years older than my actual age. and 1/4 of my body is FATS. WAKE UP CALL. i'm not gonna let my $$$ rot in my bank account. but i don't wanna invest in cars, properties and stocks. so...why not invest in something which has low risk and great returns? HEALTH. yeah gym membership is $160/month. anything lah. just pay. at least when i feel the pinch, i'll visit the gym, and make all that $$$ worthwhile. hopefully...my next post will be good news about my weight/body fat/BMI.

Sunday, December 22, 2013


so, i will be alone on 31 Dec 2359hrs again. at least i made the effort to ask people out. oh well. what was i thinking. why did i even ask. maybe i should just fly away to some exotic island, and countdown with dancing strangers on a beach. happy 2014 in advance, everybody. go enjoy with your friends, lovers, families. i won't bother u guys any more.

Saturday, March 23, 2013


first post of 2013. and 3 months have passed. just suddenly felt like blogging this new year resolution. as a self-reminder. now that i have my weekends back (finally a normal 5-day work week), i must treasure them. do the things i wanna do. even if it means doing it alone. i'm tired of organising gatherings that don't work out. or waiting for others to confirm their availability. as long as i'm available, and i feel like doing it, i'll do it. 是时候为自己而活了. 反正以后的日子也只有自己.

Sunday, December 30, 2012


对于那些向我示出友好善意,却遭到我冷漠对待的人,我感到很抱歉。 不过,我已经那么明显地冷漠,你就不能识相一点,知难而退吗? 还一直拿热脸贴冷屁股。 我回馈你的善意,只是一种礼貌。 不要以为我们很熟,谢谢。

Monday, November 5, 2012


HTHT(Heart-to-Heart Talk),不是跟谁都可以的。 如果你跟陌生人/不太熟的人也可以掏心掏肺,可能你是一个坦荡荡的人,觉得自己没什么好隐藏的。 不过,这样的HTHT,我觉得没什么价值。 聊感情观,算是HTHT吗? 有个朋友跟认识不到几天的异性同事聊感情观。 我笑他太随便。 他的回答超有趣: “聊感情观而已嘛,又不是把我的提款密码告诉他,他又不会把我的全部感情给提走...” 嗯,听起来好像有理。 我讲不赢他,甚至还有些佩服他的机智和口才。

Monday, July 9, 2012

dead and alive

okie so my blog is dead. u can't blame me. but rest assured i'm still alive. just...busy.

Saturday, June 9, 2012

one post per month

yeah that's my aim. but if my blog eventually dies, u can't blame me. all my bangkok & europe photos r oredi on facebook (without captions, unfortunately). my weekends seem so short now. i free, others not free. others free, i not free. so if u're seeing less of me, u can't blame me. oh well. stay-home weekends doesn't sound like a bad idea. it just SUCKS to see others enjoying life while i have no life.